But I LOVE cheese!

We would probably be surprised to learn how many people feel they are addicted to cheese. And there’s a reason why some of us who are not vegan may feel we are “addicted”.  Dairy has casomorphins which act like mild opiates to calm the nursing infant and help bond mother to child. As the liquid from milk evaporates, these casomorphins are concentrated, making cheese a literal ’comfort food‘. If we are not vegan and give ourselves a month off consuming cheese, our opinion may begin to change.  After a year or so of being vegan, for many, cheese becomes quite repulsive, because we are more and more acutely aware of the tremendous violence involved in the production of this animal product specifically, and in dairy products in general, but also science increasingly demonstrates the deleterious effects of dairy on our health and in particular, the health of our children.

If we consider what cheese actually is, it is another animal’s breast milk, inoculated with enzymes from the stomach lining of their dead calves, the same calves who were deprived of their mother’s milk so that we could produce cheese.

Behind every piece of cheese, behind every tub of yoghurt, behind every glass of milk, there’s a mother grieving over her missing and murdered baby.

Whether these animal products were obtained via “organic” or industrialised means, there’s nothing natural, ethical or healthful about them.

To find out more about what is wrong with dairy, please look in the information section below where there are links to numerous science-base short vids on how “opiate-like casomorphins liberated from the cow’s milk protein, casein, are accused of participating in the cause of such conditions as autism, crib death or otherwise known as SIDS – Sudden Infant Death syndrome , type I diabetes, post-partum psychosis, circulatory disorders, and food allergies.” And the nonhuman cost is far greater.

(Thanks to Angel Flinn for kind permission to share FAQs. Please note this FAQ has been edited slightly)


For more information on nutrition only related issues:

Cow’s Milk Casomorphin and Autism

“Opiate-like casomorphins liberated from the cow’s milk protein, casein, are accused of participating in the cause of such conditions as autism, crib death (SIDS , type I diabetes, postpartum psychosis, circulatory disorders, and food allergies.”

Cow’s Milk Casomorphin and Crib Death
Cow’s Milk-Induced Infant Apnea
Dairy & Sexual Precocity
Protein & Puberty
Flame Retardant Chemical Contamination.
Doctors’ Nutritional Ignorance

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